Oh, that's wonderful news. An aposta-baby. Congratulations.
for those that know us and that have been following our jwd love story...we cannot contain the news any longer, we have known now for over two weeks but wanted to wait until we had the last early pregnancy scan to confirm everything was ok. .
today we witnessed a miracle in the making and the ultimate in creativity - the scan confirmed a strong heartbeat and considerable growth since the last scan a fortnight ago.. we are going to be parents .
gary (db74) & dawn (sirona).
Oh, that's wonderful news. An aposta-baby. Congratulations.
funny thing now that i am no longer a jw ,thank god for that , i can't imagine how i ever had time to be a witness, here is the scheduled life of jw's which i copied from another site and give them the recognitions it deserves, http://www.escapefromwatchtower.com/mind.html.
inundated with activity.
b.. attending the ministry school andservice meetings.
You've got that right OFC. At the same time, they're beating you mercilessly, saying, "More, More, More." You're never good enough, you'll never do enough. I noticed there isn't a lot of joy among the brothers and sisters.
what i did was totally out of character for me.
i had a sharp pare of scissors in my hand and i was just so angry.
before i knew what happened i had thrust them forward... over and over... once i finally stopped i just couldn't believe the mess everywhere.
Were there two witnesses? I'm sure that must be a disfellowshipping offense.
the dress code that the society imposes on the women has been a thorn in my side ( manner of speaking).
theses old men dictate how a women should dress and i do mean "a dress".
i can remember when i lived in connecticut and the temp would be in single digits and when it came time for field service you must put on that dress.
I know what you mean Megaflower. It was one of my pet peeves too.
Most other churches have lightened up on the dress code--even the catholics. You can always spot the fundies because the women are always in skirts. There are some that are worse than the witnesses because the women can never wear pants at all.
personally i am a agnostic with a complete rejection of a personal god.
without the concept of salvation my belief structure states that when i die, very likely that is it.
no amount of good or bad deeds will extend my life past the point of my death.
Since I don't believe in an afterlife, I have come to grips with my own mortality. Even if I'm not remembered a hundred years from now, if some friends and family were glad that I was alive and mourn my passing, then I've lived a pretty good life.
well it looks like this site is a real melting pot, a broad spectrum of views and beliefs.
for sure there are many disaffected ex jws.
so in as few words as possible, preferably not more than one sentence, how would you describe yourself spiritually?
Atheist. I can't believe innocent babies are "born in sin" for something they didn't do. Doesn't make sense to me.
is it true that in america there is no paid maternity leave?.
if so surely that means most people have to return to work pretty quick after they have had a baby?
if thats true, then surely that means its not possible to breast feed your baby exclusively for any time at all?
My daughter-in-law had 12 weeks off and will go back January 2. She is nursing the twins and will pump the milk during the day and refrigerate it so the day care can bottle feed it to the twins the next day. She works in a health care office and there are lots of women who pump during the day in their office. Maybe Office Max can add a designer breast pump series to their catalog.
what have you done [or anticipate doing] that is special, original or just plain exciting to you?
the grandmunchkins are all excited about christmas morning, and there are stacks of presents under the tree.
the tree has become more colorful this year, as we add to it every year now.
Wow, Finally-Free. When you buy yourself a present, you go all out, don't you. A new house.
i just woke up on christmas morning to see what santa brought me.
i would have been happy with a lump of coal.
but alas, not this year.
I got two CD's - Reba's Duets and Andrea Bocelli (did I spell that right?) Santa didn't bring me the Paul Potts one, so I'll have to mosey to the mall sometime and see if I can find it.
I got to spend time with my son and daughter-in-law and the grandbabies. That was wonderful. My son got me a cell phone and put me on his plan (only $10 a month for additional lines!!) - we're all on Verizon so it won't cost any minutes to call each other. He also got me the original Star Trek DVD set--all three years. Trouble with Tribbles, here I come.
Crafty Lady
Woodhaven and Ozone Park in Queens, NYC.
Watkins Glen in upstate NY.